Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Late season bokchoi

Chris brought me baby bokchoi from her garden, still producing late in the season. What to do? Here’s what:

Ingredients: (all quantities to taste)

Sesame oil

Olive oil
Soy sauce
Garlic, chopped fine
Ginger, cut into slim match sticks
Scallion, chopped (rough or fine, either way)

Baby carrots, sliced lengthwise in quarters

Baby bok choi, finger torn

Red currants

Pine nuts
Trader Joe's frozen brown rice (don't believe me that it's amazing? See reviews here.)

Heat the garlic in a little sesame and olive oil over medium hi.
When the garlic starts to turn golden, add ginger and scallion. Give them a stir from time to time.

After a minute or two, add sliced baby carrots and a splash of soy sauce; stir well.

While the carrots are cooking, slash a gash in the packet of Trader Joe’s frozen brown rice, and start cooking in the microwave as the package directs – for 3 minutes.

Then add the torn up bok choi, currants and pine nuts (if I had thought about it ahead of time, I might have toasted the pine nuts, but just throwing them in worked fine).

Stir fry until the bokchoi wilts .

That’s it. Put the brown rice in a bowl, and top with the veggies.

Pairs nicely with a fruity white wine.

Most satisfying meal I have in a while! Certainly better than the nasty gigot at Bistrot Francais in Georgetown last night (oops, that's the Antoinette Id in me coming out!)

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